Thursday, April 30

The End Is Near...

Of Law School that is. Matt is busy working on a take home exam *see Wordless Wednesday for picture* and has a paper do sometime next week. After that it is Graduation! :) Wow! I can't believe it is here!

Matt was able to deliver my latest quilt to a friend of ours Jessica that Matt goes to school with. Now that Jessica has her quilt I can post pictures. I am pleased with it. I just love a rail fence pattern for college colors!

Jessica had this idea for a "house divided" quilt. ECU colors on one side, State fabric on the other. With a black binding to match both. I think it turned out well!

Here is an up close of the ECU colors and the State fabric. The purple looks blue in these pictures, but trust me it is ECU purple!

Here it is just before Matt took it to Campbell for me...

Sunday, April 26

Sunday Survey 5

Okay, its not Sunday but Matt's response to this was too funny not to post. Too bad he just did this 15 minutes ago...

What are 4 things you are afraid of...


Heights, Spiders, Flying, and Death


The North Carolina State Bar, Mayonnaise, Republicans, and Offspring.

Saturday, April 25

Carrie's Quilt Complete

Carrie's quilt was delivered today! I think she really liked it. I can't wait until she opens it up and really sees it. Thanks for the order Carrie! :)

Here are some pictures of the largest quilt I've ever made...

Here's the front and the back. 35 shirts and the cutest little owl fabric for the back

This is a close up of the owl fabric. And here it is bundled up and ready to go!

And what is that little bundle next to the quilt? Well it is left over fabric and 2 little goodies since Carrie has been so sweet and was my very first order!

Little owl pillowcases!

Friday, April 24

1st Friday Friend

Welcome to a new addition! Friday Friend. This is were I pick a person (or Matt if he is not crazy studying) and 10 fun facts about them. This first Friday Friend is an avid reader of our blog, likes to quilt like me, and has drove all the way out to my house! Therefore is an awesome friend.

I present to you the blog's 1st Friday Friend: Sarah Slate

  • Kindergarten teacher
  • Has a healthy dose of self esteem
  • Has an iPhone (so jealous)
  • Throws awesome parties
  • Mother of one cool kid, Mary Della
  • Cardigan wearer
  • Knows how to enjoy a glass of sweet tea
  • Makes delicious desserts
  • Tells great stories
  • Avid reader of My State magazine, in which she was featured
There you have it! Friday Friend! Want to be next week's Friday Friend? You just need to:
a) be awesome
b) read our blog and comment
c) don't be lame
d) think we are bomb diggity
e) talk to me, we can make it happen

Thursday, April 23

You Gotta Learn To Reuse

Earth Day was Wednesday. I spent all day talking to the kids about the 3 R's, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Thanks to Jack Johnson for that awesome song! Anyways, the kids know that I like to quilt and have seen a few of my creations. My favorite comment has been, "Wow! That looks like I could buy it at a store!" Thanks kids :)

So we were talking about all the ways to reuse things. An old refrigerator box can be a great playhouse, or a pringles can could hold colored pencils. So I had a reading packet for them on the 3 R's and the last sheet had 3 items with lines beside them to write what else you could do with them besides throw them away. They said a old soup can could hold pencils or flowers or coins. The empty egg carton could be used to sort buttons and beads or plant little seeds in. And then on the page was an old T-shirt. Most kids wrote give to the thrift store or people in need, but one little boy wrote "Give it to Mrs. Quinn and she can make you a quilt". Thanks kiddos, you rock!

They also complained to the cafeteria ladies about using Styrofoam trays... yikes. Oh well, at least they understood that Styrofoam is horrible. Out of the mouth of babes, right?

Speaking of give a shirt to Mrs. Quinn and she can make you a quilt... I finished Carrie's Quilt today... I will hold off on the full pictures until she receives it on Saturday, but here is a little sneak peek of it under my sewing machine's presser foot.....

Monday, April 20

A Satisfied Customer

Stephanie sent me these awesome photos of her using her quilt. I am glad she loves it so much!

Sunday, April 19

Beach Weekend

Matt is in the middle of studying for exams and I just got back from a wonderful girls weekend at Carolina Beach. We had so much fun! Here are a few pictures from the weekend...

We danced, we sang karaoke, we laid out on the beach, and we had Good Times...

On another awesome note, this is Matt's last week of Law School... ever! Yes!

Thursday, April 16

Ready to Go!

I am really happy to announce that I am starting an at home business with my quilt making! CCQuilts! I have a blog dedicated to just the quilts: and also an email for ordering:

Over spring break I designed some business cards, flyers, and tags. Here is what my cards look like, in lovely teal and green.

I am going to the beach for a girls weekend tomorrow, and I am driving through Wilmington to get there, so I get to see Stephanie! Yay! She finally gets her quilt!

Here it is ready to go!

Lovely little bundle isn't it?

Tuesday, April 14


I love books. Really I do. I wish I had time to read more, and money to buy lots of books. I miss Appalachian's Library. We had a wonderful library and they built a brand new one right after I left that is even more awesome...

I had a lovely lunch with Matt today, since it was my last day off from school for Spring Break (thanks Snow Days). After our lunch in Lillington, I stopped by the library and picked up these little gems.

I can't wait to dig into these books. Where to start...

Speaking of books, have you read anything good lately? I checked out the New Fiction and New Non-Fiction tables and didn't see anything that caught my fancy. I would love to hear suggestions!

Monday, April 13

On Top!

Carrie's Quilt Top is complete! I had a wonderful night of sewing, while listening to my iPod. I bet there are not too many people that jam out to Outkast and Jay-Z while they quilt! Haha!

This quilt is one row longer than Stephanie's. So it is officially the largest one yet! Whew!

Here is Dutch being Quality Control. This is a good "in process" picture.

Here it is laid on a Queen sized bed and on the floor of my living room. I had to move furniture and stand on a chair to get this picture!

Carrie is having cute little owl fabric (her sorority mascot) mailed to me this week for the back and as soon as it comes in I will get busy quilting it! I hope to have it complete by the weekend! :)

Sunday, April 12

Sunday Survey 4

Here's this weeks Sunday Survey: You are giving $1,000 dollars. You must spend it. What do you buy?


Canon EOS Rebel XSI SLR Camera- $600.00

Small Singer Dress Form- $100.00

Craft Books that I have wanted- $100.00

The Mall for new clothes, shoes, etc- $200.00


Said he would buy suits... very creative Matt...

Picture Credits
Dress Form:
SouthPoint Mall:
Men's Warehouse-

Saturday, April 11

Sewing & Spray Paint Saturday

Well actually that title is partially incorrect. I didn't sew one bit today but I did 5 hours of prep work so that I can start sewing tomorrow. Yes, ironing on the interfacing for the t-shirt quilt takes forever! But it is done and the squares are cut and I am hoping that after I lay it out and get the pattern right that I can start stitching away on it tomorrow! Here are some pictures:

Check out this setup. I do not have an ironing board big enough for a whole t-shirt back to fit on. After I cut the backs apart from the shirts I have to iron on interfacing to keep it from stretching. I do it is layers: t-shirt, interfacing, towel. Spray the towel, press with the iron... and about 5 mins later you have one shirt completed, times 35 shirts= long process. But the craft table I bought from Craigslist awhile back with a towel on it provided a great surface to do this on!

So then I got out the rotary cutter and the shirt pieces went from pieces to squares!

*Don't mind the dark spots on the shirt, it is just water from pressing*

Check out how thick the stack is! I love the macro feature on my camera...

This is going to make a really rocking quilt for Carrie...

I also started on another project that I have wanted to get busy on for awhile. I am using spray paint made for plastic to change my little drawers from clearish purple to white. Too bad that I didn't finish because I ran out of spray paint. Oh well, I have Monday and Tuesday off. I think that the white with look much better in my sewing space...

And while I am up to all this, poor Matt is studying for exams. But here is the good news! It is the last time Matt will ever have to take a Law School Exam! Yay!

Thursday, April 9

Its Official...

I am making quilts for others and I am super stoked about it! I am currently making a T-Shirt Quilt for a friend from H.S. and 2 more throw size "spirit quilts", one for a lady I work with and one for a friend that goes to Law School with Matt. Jessica and I went to Joann's tonight to pick up fabric for both. I am really thrilled that these people think that my little past time is worth owning! :)

The Wordless Wednesday this week is the latest T-Shirt quilt. I have a few days off from work so I plan to get a lot done on that. I am really hoping to get the top made by Tuesday. Here's to that!

I think I have invested in something that will make my sewing all the more enjoyable! An iHome speaker for my iPod, complete with a little remote, since my sewing room has 1 outlet across the room from where my sewing machine is (hence the drop cord that runs the entire length of the room along the wall). I think I am in love with this thing. Best part... you can change the speaker cover! It even came with turquoisy blue to match the rest of the room! Score!

You can have your own from

Tuesday, April 7

Another Quilt

This is my favorite quilt for a few reasons. I love the pattern, I really think it turned out well! Another reason is why the quilt was made in the first place. I made this quilt from start to finish in 4 days (I skipped Saturday).

Names have been covered up...

I had to be quick with this quilt because it is being given to a very special person Tuesday. There is a little boy at our school in the 4th grade who was diagnosed with t-cell ALL leukemia in August. I had his little brother last year in my class. When you teach you get to know not just the kids in your room, but their families as well. This is a wonderful family and great kids. I am happy to say that the 4th grader is doing well and finished his last day of radiation on Friday! To celebrate radiation being over, the school decided to put together a bucket of goodies for the family. I felt really moved to make this quilt for him. He is a HUGE UNC fan and I had 1 1/2 yards of UNC fabric left from Stephanie's quilt. It is the perfect size for a couch throw. So I got busy!

Tuesday- Bought Fabric for the top of quilt, batting and binding
Wednesday- Cut all the fabric out
Thursday- Sewed all the squares together
Friday- Put the squares together to make the pattern and created the top (bottom right pic)
Saturday- Joann's for a little more white fabric for a border (no sewing on this day)
Sunday- Added border, basted, quilted, and binded!

Sunday, April 5

Sunday Survey 3

Matt came up with this weeks survey:

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

Matt- Europe

Courtney- All 50 states. I want my picture made by something important in everyone and then make my own map when I get home. I think that would be awesome...

Saturday, April 4

Today's Sanford Herald

Matt and I are in today's Sanford Herald Bridal Guide. It is a great article and picture of our Honeymoon! I just love the fact that now the whole town knows we were married by an Elvis impersonator! It will be the best 50 cent you ever spent! Check it out!

Friday, April 3

Newest Creation

I really really love this quilt top. I plan to go to my Nema's tomorrow and quilt it (I do not have the room here to baste it).

It is for someone very special. I will reveal more on Monday after they receive it.