Monday, May 31

NC Art Museum

Matt and I visited the Art Museum yesterday. It was good, cool, free entertainment. I was hoping for some more modern art but I found a way to have a good time ;)

Sunday, May 30

Couch to 5k: Week 6, Day 2

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: - Jog 10 minutes - Walk 3 minutes - Jog 10 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

This was the last day of interval running. From now on it is solid times. Tomorrow will be 25 minutes of straight running, plus 5 minutes of warm-up and cool down walking. So my goal is to complete a 5k in that amount of time. We shall see.

This Saturday will be my first race. I am hopeful that it will go great!

Friday, May 28

Couch to 5k: Week 6, Day 1

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: - Jog 5 minutes - Walk 3 minutes - Jog 8 minutes - Walk 3 minutes - Jog 5 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

Thursday, May 27

Some Awesome Findings

I've said it before, and I will say it again and again and again...

I LOVE the internet and all the blogs on it!

Here is the latest findings...

Recipe Card Maker:

Saving Memories:

Craft Cans:

Once a Month Cooking:

And why has no one told me this existed?!?!

Wednesday, May 26

Wordless Wednesday 46

Couch to 5k: Week 5, Day 3

Just Completed Week 5 - Day 3 of C25K
Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog 20 with no walking. Finish with a five-minute cooldown walk.

What a great day for running! Totally ran 20 minutes without stopping (and dodged a mother and her kid on a tricycle taken up the whole sidewalk TWICE). I mean really, you can't pick that kid up for 2 seconds so I don't have to jump into the road to avoid him? Thanks lady.

Monday, May 24

Couch to 5k: Week 5, Day 2

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: - Jog 8 minutes - Walk 5 minutes - Jog 8 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

According to my Nike+ I completed 3.11miles in 35.44 with an average of 11.29 a mile. I am still walking so I am sure that is killing my time. Next workout is 5 min. warm up, 20 minute run (no walking), 5 minute cool down. We'll see how that goes ;)

Saturday, May 22

Couch to 5k: Week 5, Day 1

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: - Jog 5 minutes - Walk 3 minutes - Jog 5 minutes - Walk 3 minutes - Jog 5 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

According to my Nike+ I did 4.92km with a pace of 7minutes 12 seconds per km. I really want to calibrate that thing on a track though just to make sure it is accurate.

Friday, May 21

Friday Friend 35

My New Nike+!

I was able to get a "lace lid" to attach it to the front of my tennis shoes. I am sure there will be tons of updates with the Nike+ on the blog! :)

Thursday, May 20

Couch to 5k: Week 4, Day 3

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 5 minutes - Walk 2-1/2 minutes - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 5 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

I was a great workout and I just love my new Nike+!

Tuesday, May 18

What a Great Day!

So what I thought would be a very long day, turned out to be a very great day!

These came at lunch time... such a surprise!

And for no reason at all. I love my sweet sweet husband!

Then I went to a Teacher Appreciation Banquet put on by a local girl scout troop. So cute. I was able to eat with the student that invited me and it was super sweet.

The only thing that would have made today better was if I would have gotten home before dark to run, but there is always tomorrow and YES I will be hitting the pavement tomorrow for sure!

Monday, May 17


I have some sort of stomach bug! No Couch to 5k for me today... booooo! Plus, it is really rainy. Booooo on this!

Saturday, May 15

Couch to 5k: Week 4, Day 2

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 5 minutes - Walk 2-1/2 minutes - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 5 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

Started this run at 9:45am. Big mistake. It was already scorching hot outside, I felt like I would melt. Note to self, when running on the weekend get up with the alarm you set. You can take a nap after a shower. ;)

Thursday, May 13

Couch to 5k: Week 4, Day 1

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 5 minutes - Walk 2-1/2 minutes - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 5 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

Wednesday, May 12

Stromboli Recipe

Here's a recipe I came up with that is a favorite at our house. I hope you like it too!

Courtney Simple Stromboli

-10 ounce(s) (1 tube) refrigerated pizza-crust
-2 cups (1 bag) shredded pizza cheese or mozzarella cheese
- 1/3 cup pizza sauce or spaghetti sauce
- Pepperoni, ground beef, sausage, green peppers, onions, mushrooms, etc (clean out the fridge)

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees
Grease a baking sheet and spread the pizza dough to the edges of a baking sheet (14x18)
Spread a layer of pizza sauce (not to thick, not to thin) about 2 inches from the outside long edges, and about an inch away from the short edges. Now layer your fillings and then top with cheese.
Fold each long edge into the center, overlapping slightly. Pinch the seam together down the middle of the Stromboli. Pinch the short ends shut.
Pop it in the oven and bake 20-25 minutes, depending on the amount of filling you have.
Serve with a small salad and marvel at how simple and tasty!

Tuesday, May 11

Couch to 5k: Week 3, Day 3

Just Completed Week 3 - Day 3 of C25K
Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following: - Jog 90 seconds - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 3 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

Monday, May 10


Before and after! Look at how the garden has taken off! Those zucchini plants in the top right corner are kinda taking over...

Look at these precious little tomatoes! Yay tomatoes!

Green pepper plant. See those little peppers? Hurry up so I can put you on a kabob and eat you! :)

Sunday, May 9

Couch to 5k: Week 3, Day 2

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following: - Jog 90 seconds - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 3 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

Saturday, May 8

Dutchie Turns 5

Happy 5th Birthday Dutchie Dog!

Friday, May 7

Couch to 5k: Week 3, Day 1

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then do two repetitions of the following: - Jog 90 seconds - Walk 90 seconds - Jog 3 minutes - Walk 3 minutes - Five-minute cooldown walk

Thursday, May 6

OMG... This is correct.

Am I really getting this old? Please, please, please say No...

Wednesday, May 5

Couch to 5k: Week 2, Day 3

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Five-minute cooldown walk.

Monday, May 3

Couch to 5k: Week 2, Day 2

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Five-minute cooldown walk.

Thinking about running this race in June, anyone want to go with me???
I am looking at the 8:45am Recreational Open 5K Run/Walk, for the mere fact that I do not want to have to be in Raleigh at 7am for the competitive race...
Komen Race For The Cure

Sunday, May 2


German Chocolate Cake Ice Cream... Epic Win!

Saturday, May 1

Couch to 5k: Week 2, Day 1

Today's workout consisted of:
Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Five-minute cooldown walk.