Wednesday, August 20

Professional Pictures Online

Dana of DWA Photography posted our wedding pictures today! They are wonderful! I hope that you enjoy them! We would love to know what your favorites are! :)

Please visit, and fill in the following information:

Username: quinn
Password: 7868

Tuesday, August 19


I have set up Picasa Web Albums for wedding snapshots! These are what I have currently but people are still sending me pictures! I will continue to upload when I get new ones!

Hope everyone is doing great!!!

Friday, August 8


We're back! Honeymoon was wonderful! As soon as I get a free minute I will upload honeymoon pictures for everyone to see! We have been busy getting back into the swing of things, and putting away all of our wonderful gifts! Thank you to everyone who took the time to come to our wedding and share our special day with us! We love you all and thank you from the bottom of our hearts!