Sunday, February 28

Something New...

Hey Blog Fans!

Matt and I are starting something new. Meal Planning. I know a few people that do it and they save it saves them a lot of money and headache. Oh the dread... I never have meat defrosted for what I want to make, or I am missing something. Blerg!

I've been all of the interwebs reading and researching how people do their meal planning. Here are a few helpful sites I found:

Menu Planning 101- Good Overview of what Menu Planning is...
OrgJunkie Meal Planning Template- This is the template I used to make my own.
Printable Meal Planning Template- Cute freebie to print out and laminate to write on and wipe off
Real Simple- Love this magazine, they had lots about meal planning

Look for it on my new weekly installment Meal Plan Monday (I promise to be better at this Sarah!)

So look for a new feature tomorrow... Meal Plan Monday. I am going to do it, or at least try it for awhile.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

ok- I will be waiting...