Saturday, March 28

A Play and A Party

Whew! It has been a busy couple of days. Friday I was able to go to school for a few hours and get the room ready for Monday. Yes, Monday school starts back. The last quarter of the year! Don't worry I only have to work a week and 4 days and I get 3 more off for Easter break! I was also able to go out to eat with Frankie on Friday for lunch. We went to La Dolce Vita I love their salads SO much! We had a great lunch and I was able to see Rick, Dylan, and Alex for a bit. I think Alex liked his lunchbag.

That night Matt and I went to see Whitechapel. It is a play about Jack the Ripper that Campbell University put on. We went to see it because Matt's friend Phil had a lead role. He did a great job! Afterwords we dined at Lillington's finest resteraunt... Waffle House.

Saturday was very eventful too! We were invited to Nathan Kite's 30th Birthday party. It was a blast! Becky gave us all fake mustaches that were a riot to see on everyone.

(Doesn't Matt look like a 1920's boxer? I am really thinking, thus my eyes are closed.)

It was a great evening! Happy Birthday Nathan!

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