Wednesday, January 21

Stephanie's Quilt: The Next Steps

Here is what I got done on Stephanie's quilt yesterday thanks to an awesome *Snow Day*

I took all the shirt backs that I had already iron interfacing onto the backs (like the post before)

Then I placed a Quilt Block Template (15 in. x 15 in.) in the center of each shirt back, and cut

Ta-da! A perfect square! Look how many shirt blocks I had stacked up!

And here is the quilt all laid out! I am sitting in the middle to show you:
a) the size of the quilt
b) to hide the missing block! Stephanie is sending me 2 more shirts in the mail to fix this issue!

And Dutch helped too!

Stephanie wants polka dots for the back and binding (outside edge of the quilt). I think that will be super cute, because we both like polka dots!

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