Saturday I ran in the Blueberry Festival 5k. It was terrible. So hot and humid, blerg. If you don't want to read a whiny blogpost, skip this one...
To start off with I woke up with a bit of a stomach ache. Just brushed it off as nerves and continued getting ready. Stephanie had us up at 5:40 and out the door at 6am. Drive 30 minutes to Burgaw from Wilmington and get our race packs and start stretching and getting ready. Stephanie ended up walking the event with her step-sister due to her injury.
I still felt sickish when the race started. But I went ahead anyways. Here is a short recap of the race.
The course was worse that awful. It was flat (that was a plus) but it was very poorly designed! 4 "u-turns" and none of them had volunteers manning them, so sadly people cheated!!! Stephanie also brought to my attention on the car ride back that there was one u-turn that you didn't have to run to the end to, that there was a small spray painted green dot that people were turning at. I just followed the folks ahead of me, and I think we all ran too far.
My Nike+ messed up during the race. The race was not marked very well so I clicked into my Nike+ to see how far I had left and it told me that I had ran 3.7 miles already. There was no way this was possible! Ugh! Frustrated!
And here is the stinkin' icing on the cake... it was 6 seconds slower than my 5k 2 weeks ago! WHAT!?
I ran the whole time! I didn't walk a step! Stephanie tried to make me feel better by saying that running the whole time is more important than your finish time. Endurance is more important than speed, she said.
The rest of Saturday was awesome! Beach, good friends, food, and fun! :)