Sunday, July 13

13 Days

With less than 2 weeks till our wedding Matt and I are busy busy! I am getting ready to start a new school year (Open House Monday Night, first day of school Wednesday). With that said, this coming week is Matt's last at work, so he has graciously offered to take on the task of wedding planner the week before the wedding. I will work the Monday and Tuesday the week of the wedding, just because it is the first full week of school and I feel bad leaving the kiddies.

Today has been a whirlwind of wedding hoopla! All day in Raleigh fetching this that and the other, but a lot was crossed off the list! Including some needed luggage and other Vegas necessities.

But the biggest task today has been music. Matt has really done a stellar job with this. He sat and preview dozens of songs for us, and played them over and over and over again. He found the most perfect song for this blushing bride to walk down the aisle to... it brought tears to my eyes. I can't wait for the big day!

Well here's to hopes that I can post many more times before the wedding!

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