Pelican's SnoBalls & Homemade IceCream
You can't get any better than a SnoBall from Pelican's! I never go past Pelican's that I don't stop for at least a small Watermelon SnoBall. For those of you unfamiliar with what a SnoBall is, think of a Snowcone but super smooth, not grainy. Other names for SnoBalls are Hawaiian Shaved Ice and Italian Ice.
But let me tell you what Pelican's in Apex also serves... Homemade Ice Cream (for real homemade). I can tell you from experience that the Carrot Cake is banging! They put a WHOLE carrot cake in 5 gallons of ice cream... whoa.
Currently the Apex location is running on winter hours: Fri-Sun: 2pm-8pm
When can we go?
Anytime you want! I love that place!
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