Alex Quinn
- He drives a Benz, yeah that's right
- Alex spends more time on his hair than everyone in his house combined (you could throw in our house too)
- He'll respond to a text message even in the middle of biology class
- He lifts dog food for a living dawg, check out the gun show!
- Alex is disappointed that women love him more for his body than his mind
- He steals Rainbow Flippy Floppys from passed out people
- Alex is the reason Hugh Hefner only has 2 girlfriends
- He will call you out if you quote "Texts From Last Night"
- Alex drops his little brother off at school in the mornings... awwww
- Cyndi Lauper got the idea for the song "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" from Alex
You just need to:
a) be awesome
b) read our blog and comment
c) don't be lame
d) think we are bomb diggity
e) talk to me, we can make it happen
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