Cross It Off The List
And boy is it a LONG list! But, Matt and I have 2 biggies crossed off, we have a place to get married and a place to have our reception! Yay! We will have the wedding at St. Thomas Episcopal Church (where Matt's family attends) and the reception at Carolina Trace Country Club, all on our special day, July 26th, 2008. We are really really pleased with how this all worked out. A big thank you to everyone who made this possible!!! Matt and I really appreciate all the help!
Since Church Wedding was the big winner last poll, we decided to see what our faithful readers would say about Honeymoon destinations, please remember when you vote, that I don't tan easily...
We have a couple of pictures, because pictures make the blog much more entertaining....
Here is the church on the outside, the inside was being painted.

Oh, and here's a question for you.... Who has 2 thumbs and is pretty stoked about Matt and I getting married?
This guy right here... Alex!
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