A very funny thing happened at the lunch table today. We were talking about celebrities donating money to Haiti and Jill makes the comment, "You know Tiger should donate a lot of money and maybe people will think better of him" And I add, "Yeah and Kayne West too!" Big laughs from everyone...
Turns out while we were joking at school, Tiger was buying a 3 million dollar mobile hospital. Buy 2 more Tiger, I might like you again!
So as a guest blogger today, Jill and I have joined comedic forces and are co-writing this blog post via Facebook. Here to hoping a bit of humor raises awareness for this important cause! Enjoy!
Top Celebrities Who Should Donate Money to Haiti to Help Their Image...
Chris Brown- Hey Chris Brown, Remember when you beat Rihanna? Yeah, we do too... maybe you should donate something.
Jon Gosslin- Jon, just use 1/2 of you Ed Hardy T-Shirt budget and you can save millions!
Kate Gosslin- Kate, you might have a new do but your still a overbearing, control freak... donate something. Call it locks for love!
Charlie Sheen- Oh Charlie Sheen... The judge says you can't be anywhere near your wife, so why not take a little trip to help others in Haiti.
Michael Phelps- Michael, you are probably most loved on this list... we hear CashforGold.com plays lots for your unused gold. Since those medals are "tarnished", they sure could bring a lot of cash for the people of Haiti...
Mel Gibson- Mel, what can we say... Pony up, its gonna take a BIG check.
Tom Cruise- Hey Tom, you know what would make us jump up and down on the couch? You donating money.
Alec Baldwin- Alec, your hilarious but can't leave voicemails like that about your own kid. Why not use your cell to text HAITI to 90999?
Heidi Montag, Lindsay Lohan, Jersey Shore Crew, etc- Your 15 minutes is running, pay up and you might get 15 more. The more you donate the more time you can be on TV, because we all know that is what you love... fist pumps for saving lives!
David Letterman- Dave, you wanna really be #1 of Late Night? Donate some dough!
Jay Leno- Jay, take a vacation and head down to Haiti, it might brighten your image.
Mark Sanford- Hey Mark, why don't you "hike" on down and help out! We know its not the Appalachian Trail but I think your wife and state would approve of this trip.
Palin Clan- We know you can't see Haiti from your house but they are there and they need help. Think of what a hefty donation would do for 2012...
All joking aside, every little bit helps. Please see yesterday's blog post to find a way you can help and be a bigger celebrity then these fools.