Friday, July 31

Friday Friend 12

Here we go... Friday Friend 12

My 3g iPhone!
  • I can have Facebook and the Internet wherever I go
  • The text messaging is awesome
  • Scrabble at all times
  • I love the way it rotates
  • Has picture and video features
  • It allows me to keep in touch with all my Friday Friends
  • Awesome ringtones (real iTune songs)
  • I really dig the apps you can download
  • Visual voicemail rocks
  • Now I don't have to carry a phone and an iPod

Picture Credit:

Tuesday, July 28


Today Matt takes part one of the NC State Bar Exam. I am so impressed by his dedication to law school and all the hours he has put in. Don't worry Matt, you'll do great!

I wonder what life will be like after Wednesday afternoon? It has been a long long time since life without law school or studying for something... should be interesting... :)

Good luck to everyone taking the bar this week!!!

Sunday, July 26

1 Year

Today Matt and I celebrated our One Year Anniversary. I can't believe it has been a whole year since our big day. We have had a busy year, in fact as I type Matt is preparing for the bar exam.

What a wonderful year. At random times today Matt or I would say, "What were you doing at this time last year?" It has been fun reminiscing about that day. We even ate our wedding cake. I don't know why everyone told me it would taste awful, they were totally wrong. That cake was delicious! Just as I remembered it! Thanks Melinda for quadruple wrapping the cake top, it was yummy! Here are some pictures of just how well it held up...

Oh and Matt going in for a bite...


So since we are not technically "Newlyweds" anymore, I had to make a new banner for the blog. I think I like it pretty well... we will see if I make any changes to it.

Thanks for all the wonderful anniversary wishes today, we look forward to many many more anniversaries to celebrate!

Friday, July 24

Friday Friend 11

This weeks Friday Friend is one that I have waited on for a long time...

May I present to you this weeks Friday Friend... Wednesday, July 29th.

Fun Facts About Wednesday, July 29th
  • No, it isn't our 1 Year Anniversary (That is Sunday)
  • But it is Hump Day!
  • No, it isn't my Birthday (That is Oct. 12th)
  • But it is the last Wednesday of the month!
  • No, it isn't Matt's Birthday (That is Dec. 30th)
  • But it is Henry Ford's Birthday
  • No, it isn't Dutch's Birthday (That is May 8th)
  • But it is NASA's Anniversary
  • No, it isn't the First Day of School (that was Monday)
  • Why Yes! It Is THE LAST DAY OF THE BAR EXAM = Matt being COMPLETELY finished with Law School! Hallelujah!

Picture Credit:

Thursday, July 23

Thinking Thursday

Yesterdays Wordless Wednesday is a picture of the cutest little Yorkie I've ever seen. His name is Lenny and he is the newest member of Rick and Frankie's family. When we took Dutch over to meet him, she loved him! Although she didn't love how much Matt and I loved him, can you say jealous? I think she felt better when we came back home and Lenny stayed there. Haha

Lots of things are going on... Matt is preparing for the bar nonstop and this is the first week of school for me, plus life in general equals a really busy week.

Monday, July 20

200th Post, iPhone, & Day One of School!

Whoa! 200th post! Woot Woot! I can't believe it!

I also can't believe today was the first day of school. My 5th year teaching. Some people were doubtful that number was correct but its true!
College Graduation: Summer 2005
Year 1: 2005-2006
Year 2: 2006-2007
Year 3: 2007-2008
Year 4: 2008-2009
Year 5: 2009-2010

My how time flies, and to celebrate I treated myself to a little goodie...

The new iPhone 3g S (complete with video too)!
I think this is going to take blogging to a whole 'nother level!

Picture Credit:

Sunday, July 19

Sunday Survey 11

This week's Sunday Survey is...
If you could only have 5 Television Channels what would they be?

3. ESPN2
4. CNN
5. Comedy Central

1. NBC
2. TLC
3. Food Network
4. Bravo

Saturday, July 18

Look Alike

Another website that I check daily is

Kinda uncanny isn't it?

Monday, July 13

Can't Believe It

I can't believe summer break is over. Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday I had all these big projects planned to do, and well.... now its over. I did get some sewing done that I wanted to get done, and I got stuff sorted out for a Yard Sale but I never got around to having the yard sale. Oh well, I will have weekends and after school to get more things on the list complete! Back to school tomorrow!

I would like to share a website with you that is a great way to spend some time. You are learning things and donating to a great cause, ending world hunger. It has been around awhile but I thought that maybe someone didn't know about it...

Friday, July 10

Friday Friend 10

Friday Friend #10 is Hollie!

Hollie and Amy at The Little Dipper

10 Fun Facts about Hollie
  • Thinks an outfit isn't an outfit without leg warmers
  • Knows all the words to whatever song you put on
  • Is an ant, for real
  • Loves bacon
  • Has a secret camping location
  • Loves guys that play the bongos
  • Blasts Bennie and the Jets whenever possible
  • Can read a whole book in a single sitting
  • Loves a good road trip
  • Matt worries about her coffee intake

Tuesday, July 7


Sorry that the blog has not been updated lately! I am on the way to Wilmington for a few days with some friends and Matt is studying hard for the bar. Hope to post lots of wonderful pictures when I return!

Picture Credit:

Saturday, July 4

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July everyone! I celebrated by buying something red...

I think I am in love... all I need now is a basket.

Friday, July 3

Friday Friend 9

This week's Friday Friend is someone near and dear to my family...

Craig Newmark

Creator of Craigslist

10 Fantastic Facts about Craigslist
  • I check your site about 30 times a day for the same items: Bicycles and Sewing Supplies
  • You gave me my beloved kitchen booth
  • Thanks to Craigslist, we sold the Jeep!
  • The Best of Craigslist always makes me laugh
  • You are free
  • Weird Al has done a parody song about Craigslist
  • More than 50 million people in the US alone use the site
  • We have a home gym because of Craigslist
  • The only compliant I ever had was that you didn't allow more pictures to be posted but Craigspics fixed that for me
  • Where else can you buy a time machine, find a girlfriend, and sell your scratched copy of DMB Live at The Rocks?
Picture Credit:

Thursday, July 2

Back in the Day

Nothing says dream home like lead paint...

Ah back in the day...

See more old school ads: