Well actually that title is partially incorrect. I didn't sew one bit today but I did 5 hours of prep work so that I can start sewing tomorrow. Yes, ironing on the interfacing for the t-shirt quilt takes forever! But it is done and the squares are cut and I am hoping that after I lay it out and get the pattern right that I can start stitching away on it tomorrow! Here are some pictures:

Check out this setup. I do not have an ironing board big enough for a whole t-shirt back to fit on. After I cut the backs apart from the shirts I have to iron on interfacing to keep it from stretching. I do it is layers: t-shirt, interfacing, towel. Spray the towel, press with the iron... and about 5 mins later you have one shirt completed, times 35 shirts= long process. But the craft table I bought from Craigslist awhile back with a towel on it provided a great surface to do this on!
So then I got out the rotary cutter and the shirt pieces went from pieces to squares!

*Don't mind the dark spots on the shirt, it is just water from pressing*
Check out how thick the stack is! I love the macro feature on my camera...

This is going to make a really rocking quilt for Carrie...
I also started on another project that I have wanted to get busy on for awhile. I am using spray paint made for plastic to change my little drawers from clearish purple to white. Too bad that I didn't finish because I ran out of spray paint. Oh well, I have Monday and Tuesday off. I think that the white with look much better in my sewing space...

And while I am up to all this, poor Matt is studying for exams. But here is the good news! It is the last time Matt will ever have to take a Law School Exam! Yay!