Monday, January 26
6 Months
Tomorrow is the 100th day of school. That is a big deal in the 1st grade. We have a whole day full of special activities set up and that means only 80 more school days until summer... whoa! Come on summertime!
Saturday, January 24
Yay for Saturdays
My sketchbook is a catchall for my sewing designs... speaking of, I could make an awesome cover for this blahzay little book... anyways, back to what I was saying. I have my next design picked out. I am hoping to have Stephanie's quilt top made by the end of the month so I can get started on this new design. I need to buy some graph paper, that would make my quilting designs a little easier to make uniform.
Matt is working hard on symposium things, I told him I would help him make notebooks if he needed me to. He has to make 75 of those things, geez!
So here's to a sleepy Saturday, our next weekend is so busy that I don't even want to leave the house today!
Friday, January 23
What A Great Day
Matt came home *early* with a cute little teddy bear, a red rose, and a Coca-Cola Icee! Yay for surprises!
Then my cell phone rings and it is Dana from DWA Photography! Our album is ready! Yes! So Matt and I went out to Yamatos for dinner and her husband Brandon met us there with it! I am happy that it worked out that we were able to pick up the album together so we could look at it together for the first time. We just finished checking it out and it is awesome.
Hope everyone has a super weekend! I have some shopping to do, Matt and I are attending the Barrister's Ball next Saturday and I need a cocktail dress. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, January 21
Stephanie's Quilt: The Next Steps
I took all the shirt backs that I had already iron interfacing onto the backs (like the post before)
Then I placed a Quilt Block Template (15 in. x 15 in.) in the center of each shirt back, and cut
Ta-da! A perfect square! Look how many shirt blocks I had stacked up!
And here is the quilt all laid out! I am sitting in the middle to show you:
a) the size of the quilt
b) to hide the missing block! Stephanie is sending me 2 more shirts in the mail to fix this issue!
And Dutch helped too!
Stephanie wants polka dots for the back and binding (outside edge of the quilt). I think that will be super cute, because we both like polka dots!
Tuesday, January 20
Snow Day 2009
Matt is sad because when he checked the Campbell Law website he had to go to class at regular time, I on the other hand am very happy because I do not have school today!
Dutch REALLY loves the snow...
It was nearly impossible to get her back inside...
Then I get a cell phone call from Matt...
He didn't even make it a mile down the road. The irony of this is when he called Jason to tell him to call everyone to tell them that they don't have to do read-alouds Jason tells him that he is on campus and they just canceled classes.
Ronnie to the rescue! I am just shocked that nothing happen to Matt or the Jeep (thank goodness for Alex)!
Dad's truck tows the jeep right out. Good as ever...
Matt and I are cuddled up on the couch watching the Inauguration. I am really glad that we get to watch history being made together! Hope everyone is enjoying this awesome day!
Picture from: Yahoo! News
Sunday, January 18
Matt's Home!
Thursday, January 15
Resolutions Revisited
A few days after the new year I posted a small list of resolutions that I wanted to try... So far so good...
Sew/Craft more *Check, I have started Stephanie's quilt*
Spend more time with people who are important to me *Check, staying at mom and dad's while Matt is in Houston*
Cook healthier *Check, using whole wheat pasta and bread as a start. Plus, smaller portions*
Take a cake decorating class *This might be the one I flake on... it is next month and I am planning on a ski trip during one of the class nights, and it is only like 5 nights total. I don't know what I am going to do about this one yet, but I would really like to take this course*
Read more *Do blogs count? Because I read a lot of blogs...*
Learn to correctly bind a quilt *My friend Dixie is going to be my go to on this one...*
Drink less soda- *No soda since January 10*
So we will see if I can keep doing these things, I feel good about these!
Wednesday, January 14
Yes Pecan!
Yay America!
Monday, January 12
Sunday, January 11
North Carolina C'mon and Raise Up (Stephanie's Quilt)
I pulled out the giant bag of Sorority/College shirts that Stephanie had given me and I cut out all the small logos (like where a pocket would be on a t-shirt).
I cut all of these out Saturday night before Kari and Nathan came over, there were 20 of them.
Sunday I started to iron on the interfacing. Here is how I applied the stabilizer, it makes it easier to sew stretchy t-shirt material. I found the best way to do this from this website Pink Chalk Studio
1. Find the logo
2. Turn the shirt piece logo side down and place a piece of iron-on interfacing (light weight) over the top of the shirt. Make sure that the interfacing is bigger that the logo
3. Cover these layers with a kitchen town and squirt with water until damp
4. Iron. Press the iron straight down, do not move back and forth
5. Remove towel, and flip over to see if the interfacing adhered correctly. Success!
This is the stack I ended up with when I finished. 20 pieces with logos and 16 pieces plain colors.
So let the cutting begin...
1. Layout cut shirt logo side up on a cutting mat.
2. Place template over the logo and center. I am using a 5 1/2 by 5 1/2 square
3. Cut out with rotary cutter.
4. Ta-da! One down 35 more to go...
After finishing all the cutting I was anxious to get to sewing the squares. I had my design in mind and had already worked it out in Paint.

After a few stitches, and a little pressing, I completed the corner blocks of Stephanie's Quilt. Each measures 15x15 inches.
I have entitled this quilt: "North Carolina C'mon and Raise Up". Most of my quilts are named after songs, and just randomly that Petey Pablo song came on my iPod, I thought it was perfect. I am hoping to get a few of the larger parts completed this week. They will go more quickly than these little logos. Each shirt back will also be 15x15. It should be a pretty big quilt!
Saturday, January 10
Totally Looks Like
New site I found: I stumbled across this because I am in love with
Here a few of my favorites from Totally Looks Like...

Way to make the list Yosef!