4 months till our wedding! Wow, time has flown! Matt and I have had a wonderful week. Saturday night was a blast, thanks to everyone who came to our Engagement Party and thanks to the awesome hosts Rick and Frankie! Two thumbs way up!
I have a few pictures from the night that I thought I would post. See if you can tell who is the ham in Matt and I's relationship...

The old App crew (Kari, Adam, Courtney, and Matt)
*Sidenote: All of us are getting married this year...
*Double-sidenote: Adam proposed to Lindsay the day before Matt proposed to me and neither one of them new it. Adam called on Monday to tell us the good news and Matt was like, "Well guess what..." Haha!

Jill, myself, and Barb. We're fabulous!

Adam, Courtney, and Nathan (Kari's fiance)

Me and Lindsay (Adam's fiancee)

Amy and I (can you tell I was happy she could make it?)

Jason and I... he's awesome

Whit and I... she's awesomer (haha)

Jessica and I! Check us out!

Adam and I give the party 3 thumbs up!

Stephanie (my BFF) and me! Hey my glasses are crooked...

Finally a picture with Matt in it. Thanks everybody!