Matt And I Are Getting Married!

I know its some BIG news! What a wonderful evening... I don't know how I am going to sleep tonight! Let me tell you all about it!
Matt tells me earlier in the week that we have to go to a law dinner on Sunday night in downtown Raleigh, this is nothing out of the ordinary. So I agree to go and get all dressed up and everything. So we leave the house tonight and we are past the exit for Cary when Matt hands me the invitation to the event and says, "read the directions for me". I immediately notice that the invitation says, "Monday, Oct. 22nd". I go, "Matt this thing is tomorrow night." So Matt bangs on the steering wheel and goes, "We're going to Sullivan's anyways. Read me the phone number" So he calls and makes a reservation and the whole time I am going, Sullivan's is expensive we don't have to go there. But we go.
So we have a delicious dinner and everything is wonderful. So about 9:30 we head home. Nothing out of the ordinary except we had a bomb dinner. So we get home and Matt opens the door and the house is full of roses, like seriously 5 dozen or something ridiculous like that, I am still finding flowers! There is a chilled bottle of champagne and everything. I turn to Matt and he is on one knee and proposes!
So of course I find out later that the whole law school dinner thing is a sham and he made the invitation himself and on purpose put the wrong date. He had made reservations at Sullivan's long before and the phone call in the car was fake. His grandparent's set up all the flowers and everything at the house. So many people were in on the whole thing and I had no idea! Matt went and asked my dad on Tuesday if he could ask me to marry him and my dad said, "She'll be a good wife, she'll save you a lot of money" Haha, that's dad, always concerned about the dollar.

This is part of what the house looked like...

Hey, what is that face supposed to mean?

That's better...

There will be plenty more blog later, right now I am too excited to really type!